Wednesday, July 1, 2020

My Speech about goats


  1. Hi Mylee My name is Nasteho and I never knew that goats could be black. I have never touched a goat. Where did you get the information from? Did you search it?

  2. hey here Mylee,

    I am Farah from Hay Park School- Tuffery Class. I really enjoyed reading your post there is so much information about goats here. I loved the first bit it was so funny and I never knew that people drink goat milk and I always thought goats can't jump. Baby goats must be really smart that they can walk soon after being born, there is so much stuff here that I never knew.
    Maybe next time you could tell us how you made this? Did you already know these facts or did you search some up?

  3. Hi Mylee
    Hi love your imformatation on goats I have three goats 1 billy and 2 nannys.


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